Courage Conquering Cancer’s, non-profit 501(c)3, mission is to be a community health and patient education organization, dedicated to promoting research, providing patient education, advocating for patients, ensuring quality, cost-effective services and making products available that will promote healing. Part of our mission is also to be a resource for continued research and education. Though our community initiatives breast cancer patients are provided with free mastectomy post-surgical supplies to allow for comfortable healing after surgery and during additional treatment, if needed.Breast cancer patient assistance efforts are targeting primarily in the East Tennessee region and the Dallas, Texas Metro area and surrounding counties.
Breast cancer patient assistance (free mastectomy kits with post-surgical supplies to heal) is provided through grant, private philanthropic donations and community fundraising.
- Formed in 2014 to develop post-surgical supplies that help breast cancer patients more comfortably recover after breast surgery and to offer breast health education
- Became a non-profit 501(c)(3) in 2015 to support breast cancer patients facing undue financial hardship
- Provides breast health/cancer education to patients and hosts community educational events
- Researches, develops, tests and manufactures post-surgical supplies for breast cancer patients
- Seeks grants and philanthropic funds to help patients in-need and for free educational events
- We have assisted greater than 5,000 patients locally and nationally by providing free Recovery Tees and/or mastectomy kits to patients in-need, with more than half of those patients being served at the in the East Tennessee region. Partners in the Texas region are actively being sought to expand ongoing efforts. If you have contacts or potential partners, donors or other that you would like to share in Texas, Tennessee or other, please email us at: In addition, we have provided financial assistance to local patients on a limited basis.
If you are interested in making a donation to help provide a mastectomy kit, recovery tee, make one-time donation, or monthly donations, please click below. If you would like more information, please contact Kristi Roberson-James at or Kandi Stewart at